don't forget to empty the pooh basket

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Some Pictures

The compound where we live. Our apartment is on the far right behind the tan pickup.

Raining in our back yard.

Shooting hoops with our neighbors. Josh is the little guy on the right.

Just beyond the outside wall of our compound. That path leads to the Christian Learning Center where Chad and Emily Jackson teach.

A visit to Sr. Jackson's classroom.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great way to share pictures, I must admit - and it doesn't even tie up my phone line forever!

I didn't quite "get" the ants & pidgeon link, but it was very entertaining nonetheless.

7:39 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Mom" is the previous anonymous, by the way.

7:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Helena dad...
I read everything and here is a note to say I touched base. God Bless...Dad

8:13 AM


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