don't forget to empty the pooh basket

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Dear Helena

We officially have a departure date. Aileen and I are flying out of Denver on October 17 (cheaper than flying out of Billings). That leaves us with about 10 days here in Billings. The time it is a-flyin'.

During the 9 months Aileen and I lived in Helena, the Lord blessed us some amazing new friendships, a great church to be a part of and fellowship with, and some precious and treasured time to spend with Aileen's parents. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you Helenites (Helenians?). You befriended us readily, supported us through all the decisions we've made, and covered us in prayer. We can see, now, why the Lord had us in that place for that period of time. This mission would not be possible without all of you, and we are so thankful to have you partnering with us in this experience. We are confident the Lord will do amazing things while we are in Bolivia, and we look forward to sharing that with you. Thank you for ministering to us, and we look forward to seeing you upon our return.


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