don't forget to empty the pooh basket

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pinchy, Stingy Things

We encountered a scorpion a few nights ago while having some friends over for dinner, and learned that standard scorpion-encounter protocol in Bolivia goes as follows:

1. Photograph the intruder.

2. Obtain an instument of distruction, preferably with a long handle. Snuff the punk.

3. Pay respects with a short ceremony, followed promptly by disposal of the corpse.


Blogger Anastacia said...

yikes! scorpions! it reminds me of the Emperor's New Groove, the part where Emperor(as a lama) yells "scorpions!" because they're crawling all over him! :) good thing there was only one. can they move fast? i wonder if there were a bunch of them what would happen...or how would you get rid of them...glad you guys are okay. :)

8:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the scorpion spider we found amongst your wedding stuff in the living room? Glad I haven't seen another one. And remember the story of my dad snoozing on the couch in El Paso and waking up to find a scorpion on his chest? Needless to say, their house got sprayed the next day!

10:16 AM


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