don't forget to empty the pooh basket

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

General Synopsis of Bolivian ER

Yes, my (Aileen's) latest adventure was a trip to the ER at around 3:30 Monday morning. What started out Sunday morning as a typical day of stomach pains and more frequent trips to the bathroom took a turn for the worse the next night as I tried to sleep with a constant cramp and burning in my stomach. I was feeling by this time that it wasn't just a normal pain associated with diarrhea so, as I sat on the bathroom floor, Mike went to a website my mom recently made known to us, and started evaluating my symptoms and possible causes for them. The pain would come in waves and centralize right around my belly button. It was when Mike saw these symptoms under the category of appendicitis that we decided to call our mission's field director whose wife happens to be a nurse. They were gracious enough to come right over and after a quick assessment and a prayer for the Lord's protection, we were off to the ER. The doctor and two nurses that were at my side made me feel calm and at home. Bonnie, the field director's wife, followed closely the doctor's examination and we were all relieved when I didn't respond to classic tests to affirm appendicitis. Thus, the next logical answer was a stomach infection caused by a bacteria I probably picked up in something I ate. They administered two drugs into an IV, one was an anti-spasm drug and the other to help the nausea, during which they took blood from the other arm to run through the lab. I was sent home to rest until later that morning when I could pick up the results, which would indeed confirm an infection. Now I am resting, taking the needed antibiotics, and feeling much better. All in all I give a shining A+ to the hospital and staff, but do not intend on giving them another evaluation any time soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll be praying for good health!!
Janna (Sara's Roomie)

12:01 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you have been sick. I hope you stay better now.
Love you -

12:29 PM

Blogger Emily said...

HEY! If you wanted ER info, I would have been happy to give it to you without you having to go through it firsthand, silly! Bless you, friend, and I'm glad to hear you are better.

2:01 PM

Blogger Anastacia said...

wow. I'm glad to hear you are better and that you don't have appendicitis - i don't really know what that is but the name sounds scary. I've had my fair share of the ER myself lately. Glad to hear the hospital staff were great too! When i was in the hospital i really appreciated all the nurses who helped me out, they were great - i was just thinking of them today actually, and decided to send them all a thank you.
praying for you,

3:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you're ok!
sounds like you two are having quite the adventure in bolivia...
gramma just showed me the blog on her computer & i had fun reading about what what you guys are up to...
oh, and holy ant!!! my oh my... that is the stuff of nightmares my friends... i used to have nightmares as a child, about ants due to some kind of "nature" video about some odd variety of killer ants...

5:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear aileen
hopeing you are feeling ok ow....
good to see the photos of Bolivia again...

you both look like you are haveing a good time there....

love, aunt dona

8:10 PM


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