White House
Not long ago the truck Aileen and I are using while here in Bolivia, an '87 2-wheel drive Chevy, broke down. By "broke down," I mean the lever for the turn signal and windshield wipers fell off. Sometimes things just fall off here. Now, I figure a typical turn signal lever replacement in the states takes 1 day, maybe 2 if your mechanic is busy. In Bolivia, it means your vehicle is out of commission for 1 month while your steering column is stripped apart and you wait for a part to be shipped from Brazil.
So, while we await our repair, we've been given a loner vehicle. Behold, the White House:
This is a vehicle with a lot of history. It was bought new by the mission in 1983, a Toyota Land Cruiser Pick-Up, and was converted into a medical vehicle to bring aid to rural villages. They put a big white camper on the back to house a medical bed and various supplies and instruments, and was thereafter dubbed "The White House." Since 1983, she's taken a fair amount of licks. Now it sits under a shed a majority of the time, only used on rare occasions.
People here joke about it's lack of, well, everything. It doesn't have some of your modern-day conveniences, such as power steering or a dome light, but I like it. I like that I have to push a special button to give power the spark plugs when I turn the key over. I like that all of the knobs and switches on the control panel are labeled with somebody's personal Dymo label maker. I like that, If I wanted to, I could take off the roof, fold the windshield over, and cruise around safari-style. And most of all, I like having the ability to winch myself out of a pickle, should the need arise. Truth be told, I'd rather keep this than have our old pick-up back.
That is really a birthday present - it does seem like exactly what you might have fun driving.
Happy Birthday Son!!!
8:14 AM
You are living one of my dreams right there...can't tell you how many times I've wondered about the possibility of having one of those babies shipped back to the states.
11:52 AM
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